Kelim Le'Orot:
Vessels for the Light

Spiritual Preparation for the Holidays 
Or HaLev and the Fuchsberg Jerusalem Center

Join us for a new series to prepare for the holidays - Kelim Le’Orot: Vessels for the Light, a special collaboration between Or HaLev and the Fuchsberg Jerusalem Center.

Before each Jewish holiday, from Purim through Shavuot, we will gather with a different teacher and, together, prepare ourselves for the next stop on the spiritual journey.
These sessions will be an opportunity to:

  • Learn about the meaning and traditions of the holidays

  • Engage in embodied practices to connect with the meaning and spiritual essence of the holiday on a deeper level

  • Prepare the body, heart, mind, and spirit for the holiday

We invite you to join us for one or all of these sessions!

March 21 // Purim with Rabbah Mira Nesahma
April 10 // Pesach with Rabbi Daniel Silverstein
May 23 // Lag Ba’Omer with Avigail Be'eri-Harel
June 9 // Shavuot with Rabbi Ami Silver
At 7:30pm-9:00pm
David/Geller/Epstein Beit Midrash, Fuchsberg Jerusalem Center, 8 Agron Street, Jerusalem, Israel

Lag Ba’Omer: To Keep the World Aglow

With Avigail Be'eri-Harel

Thursday May 23, 2024 // 19:30-21:00

Most people walk through the world and see what they are used to seeing and meeting. Their view of the world has long been familiar to them, known, predictable. The Book of the Zohar, the fundamental treatise of Jewish Kabbalah, appeals to those seeking to reveal another dimension of reality. The secret of the Zohar, to a certain extent, is precisely this illumination of the world– the ability to see life in all of its color, vitality, and deep divinity. Too, the Zohar reveals the responsibility of those who see it as such to make the world even brighter.

To prepare us for Lag Ba'Omer, we will learn several teachings from the Zohar that will inspire us and invite us to expand our view. In our learning, we will relate to life not through the hierarchy of whether things are higher or lower, important or not important. Rather, we will turn toward a different kind of perception— of the internal and the external, of the body and the soul and its garments, levushim. We will learn how to expand and enrich our experience of reality, in the encounter with Divinity, Self, and Other.

The meditation we will practice together will prepare us to open our hearts, senses, and minds to receive the teachings of the Zohar, as well as to embody the illumination that comes through learning.

The workshop will consist of learning, discussion, and meditation. There will also be time for sharing and Q & A about the meditation practice itself.

You are invited to join us with a basic registration fee of 20 ILS.

At the end of the day you will be invited to give a donation to the teacher for the teaching.

About Avigail Be'eri-Harel

Avigail is a practitioner of Jewish meditation and spiritually for a decade and a graduate of Yesod: Foundations for Deepening Jewish Mindfulness Meditation
by Or HaLev. She holds an M.A. in Jewish philosophy and is a rabbinical student at Beit Midrash Harel. Above all, she is the mother of two lovely daughters. 


This practice session is a diverse container open to anyone. We welcome all different Jewish backgrounds and meditation experience levels.

Any questions? Please contact our English Language Coordinator, Naomi Shifrin, at

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